UPDATE: This webinar is closed, keep an eye on our blog for upcoming webinars in the near future! I am really looking forward to running a 2-part webinar series on Peri/Menopausal Health in November. I have been...

UPDATE: This webinar is closed, keep an eye on our blog for upcoming webinars in the near future! I am really looking forward to running a 2-part webinar series on Peri/Menopausal Health in November. I have been...
Vagina. Vagina. Vagina. It’s time for the mystique and taboo shrouding the vagina to dissipate. Let’s get comfortable – not only in saying the word but by bringing all things related to the deep, dark ‘netherworld’...
The perimenopausal and menopausal years represent a watershed phase in a woman’s life. Over my years in practice, I have become increasingly passionate about this particular area of medicine as it represents such a...
Did you know peri-menopause can begin by as much as 10-15 years before menopause? Peri-menopause is associated with hormone changes and fluctuations that can affect the heaviness and frequency of menstrual cycles as...
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